Lotion employed to cure train delays

Denmark’s largest train operator has announced that it is banking on a lotion to help it cut delays next winter. DSB believes that the so-called ‘sand lotion’ could help solve the problem of slippery leaves on the track.

During the autumn and winter months, commuters often find themselves subject to delays and even cancellations when seemingly benign falling leaves force services to run at slower speeds. The rail operator is hoping, however, that when applied to the tracks, the friction lotion will allow trains to travel at their usual pace.

Helle Bohl Moller of Railway Denmark confirmed that tests have already been carried out on the line between Copenhagen and Helsinger, adding that the treatment could be used on other routes throughout the country.

Moller admitted, however, that the successful tests were made last year during an uncharacteristically dry autumn period when very few leaves fell on the tracks. DSB has cautioned, therefore, that they are still unsure whether the sand lotion is any more effective than simply keeping fingers crossed for good weather.