Wifi network names tell of neighbour niggles

Swedes are increasingly using their broadband network names to send their neighbours messages, according to a new survey. Instead of the traditional act of leaving an angry note in the stairwell of a shared building, an investigation by broadband supplier Telia has discovered that people are now titling their internet networks for the benefit of those living around them.

“No trash in the stairwell, thanks”, “Turn the noise down”, “pay for your own internet, you stupid neighbour” and “thank you for not smoking on the balcony” are some of the examples uncovered by the Telia probe which seeks to find Sweden’s best network name.

“Broadband names are starting to replace the angry note in the lift or in the communal laundry room, perhaps because it removes the possibility of actually running into a neighbour,” said competition judge Ola Karlsson in a report by YLE.

Another front runner, which continues with the theme of avoiding actual personal contact with neighbours, reads, “have you got 6 eggs? Put them by the laundry room and I’ll put some new ones there tomorrow”.

Not all the contending slogans are complaints, however, with “PrettyFlyforaWiFi”, “I live in a field”, “If you can read this, you are too close” and “everyone is called Glenn in Gothenburg”, already hot favourites with the judges.

“This is as yet new ground for research, which makes it a lot of fun to follow the new names which are entered into the competition. Particularly because we discovered new mini-trends – from local behaviour such as the angry notes, to points of view against or for world phenomena,” said Telia’s Stefan Trampus.