Denmark joins controversial summit on racism

little-mermaid-210409The Danish Foreign Ministry decided to participate in the UN’s Durban II conference on racism at the ambassadorial level which is taking place this week. The controversial summit is taking place in Geneva, and is being attended by most EU member nations, as well as other global heavyweights; but several key players, including the US, Germany, Canada, Italy and Australia are merely observing out of protest.

Politiken reports that since Denmark waited until late in the day to commit to attending the conference, it was unclear until the last minute whether they would join the US, Germany, Canada, Israel, Australia, Italy and the Netherlands as observers rather than active participants.

Those nations have declined to participate in the conference on racism for various reasons. Canada and Australia declined over fears that the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will again deny that the Holocaust happened and speak harshly against Israel – which happened as predicted on Monday. Germany also declined over the Holocaust issue, but it’s unclear precisely why Italy abstained.

After the Russian chief negotiator changed the wording in the final document to condemn anyone denying the Holocaust, Denmark’s Foreign Minister Per Stig Moller felt it was acceptable to join the conference. The fact that the majority of EU nations are also taking part helped encouraged the Danes to follow suit. The goal of the summit is to help end racism and promote healing in ethnically tense nations.

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