football stadium

Norway’s women football team in mockumentary to highlight sexism

The Norwegian women’s football team have taken part in a mockumentary to highlight the struggles female players face in a game dominated by their male counterparts.

The team, who are set to face England in the last 16 of the 2015 Women’s World Cup in Canada on Tuesday, produced the video in collaboration with the Scandinavian country’s national broadcaster NRK. In the footage, the players poke fun at stereotypes within the game and unjust criticism that they continue to face.

Captain Trine Ronning, goalkeeper Ingrid Hjelmseth and striker Emilie Haavi, as well as Catherine Dekkerhus, who is not part of the World Cup squad, offer their suggestions on how to “improve” women’s football. Among the ideas is using golf tees so the players are able to lift the ball off the surface.

Ronning notes that because the pitches are so big, players feel like ants running around on them, so suggests that the dimensions could be made smaller to better suit them. Hjelmseth, meanwhile, proposes that each team should be allowed three goalkeepers because the goals are so big.

The 2015 FIFA Women’s World Cup is currently being held in Canada. Norway qualified from for the Round of 16 after finishing in second place in Group B behind Germany, with both teams ending up on seven points but the Scandinavians losing out on top spot on goal difference.