Danish escape artist arrested with hooker and drugs

Danish escape artist arrested with hooker and drugsDanish escape artist Brian Bo Larsen has been rearrested after police found him in the company of a prostitute and in possession of drugs on Monday morning.

The convict, who escaped from jail for the 22nd time on 13 December, is known across the country as the “Escape King”. However, his fun is up yet again as the 40-year-old looks set to spend Christmas back behind bars.

Larsen was finally tracked down on Funen island after he wrecked a stolen car while high on hallucinogenic drugs. Accompanied by the prostitute, who later told police he had crashed through a fence because he had been hallucinating, Larsen was driving aimlessly around the area. He also got out of the car after crashing it to fight imaginary people.

A local resident who witnessed the bizarre event called police, but by the time they arrived Larsen had fled, leaving the hooker to explain the strange goings on to the authorities. Police dogs eventually tracked down a man in a brown wig, which officers later discovered was none other than Larsen himself.

He is currently being detained at a prison in Odense, where police will decided whether to charge him with a number of new violations racked up during his 10 days on the run or just send him straight back to jail in Vridsloselille, where he is in the midst of a seven-year term for armed robbery.