Immigrant families leaving Norway to avoid Child Welfare Services

Norway Beatles exhibition ‘fake’More immigrant families are moving out of Norway in order to avoid issues with the country’s Child Welfare Services agency. According to a report published by The Foreigner news, as many as one in six immigrant children are now either taken out of the country or sent back alone to be with family abroad. However, the actual number remains unknown, as there have been no accredited studies on the matter.

Bashe Musse, a figurehead from a networking organisation for Somalis living in Norway, told the NRK news agency, “Some have such a strong fear about the powerfulness of the CWS, that they move from Norway after having received just one protection notification.”

The news comes in the wake of the high-profile custody international battle over two Indian children living in Norway, in addition to a 2012 incident which saw a Polish private investigator smuggle two minors out of Norway and back to Poland, where local authorities ruled they were to remain.

Mr Musse went on to say that he believes the phenomenon is occurring because many immigrants have misconceived perceptions about Norway’s Child Welfare Services. He said, “Parents want the child’s best, and Child Welfare Services want the same. Nevertheless, families may think that they are never going to see their own children again if the CWS removes them.”