Leading convenience store chains to stop cigarette sales in Norway 

Reitan Retail, the operator of Narvesen and 7-Eleven, will phase out and stop selling cigarettes in Norway by 2026.

Speaking to E24, Anniken Staubo, Purchasing Director at Reitan Retail, commented, “We already see a declining demand for cigarettes and want to contribute to phasing this out in the long term.”

This move also plays a part in the company’s overall sustainability strategy. “There are major environmental and social sustainability challenges in the production of tobacco. We plan for a gradual phasing out of cigarettes in our range and follow the development of any new changes in rules and laws,” explained Staubo.

According to Statistics Norway, 16% of Norwegians aged between 16 and 74 use mouth tobacco compared to only 7% of them smoking cigarettes daily.

Norgesgruppen, the operator behind the chain Joker, has stated that the chain has no plans to phase out cigarette sales.

Image: reitanretail.no