Banana attack woman in slip-up appeal

A Swedish woman has been fined after injuring a bus driver with a half-eaten banana.

The 46 year-old from Skåne, southern Sweden, hit Zekerija Velagic in the eye with the soft fruit after boarding the bus to reprimand him for allegedly almost hitting her daughter who she was teaching to drive.

According to the Aftonbladet newspaper, however, the woman claims the notoriously slippery food stuff simply dislodged itself from her hand during the altercation.

“I’ve been dizzy since March and my hands shake,” she told Aftonbladet. “Since my muscles are weak I drop things easily. I was holding the banana whilst standing there gesturing, and suddenly it flew away. But it hit the interior of the bus.”

Velgic, who experienced pain in his eye after the incident and was told by a doctor he had vitreous detachment, had a different version of events. “She hit me right in the face with the half-eaten banana. I had banana all over me, on my tie, my shirt and my eye,” he said. “It felt offensive, when 30 passengers saw the whole thing.”

Lund District Court ruled in the driver’s favour after a witness sitting in the front of the bus confirmed his version of events.

After the verdict, the disappointed woman said she felt “unprotected legally”, adding that “It’s unreasonable that a banana could cause this much damage.” According to Aftonbladet, she will be appealing the decision.