Cutting edge plastics recycling facility opens in Sweden

A cutting edge plastics recycling facility that is billed as the largest of its kind has recently opened in Sweden.

According to the non-profit group, Sweden Plastic Recycling, the new facility is designed to double the amount of plastic being recycled in Sweden, sorting up to 200,000 tons of plastic packaging a year. That has been noted as the highest number of sorting capabilities in the world.

Mattias Philipsson, CEO of Sweden Plastic Recycling, comments, “An old plant at the same location could only sort 5 types of plastic, which meant that only 47% of the material was sent on for recycling and the rest was incinerated.”

The plant, titled Site Zero, will be able to send up to 95% of the packaging for recycling, reducing the amount sent for incineration.

“It’s a game changer,” said Åsa Stenmarck, of the Swedish Environment Protection Agency.