Number of refugees in Sweden set to rise
The number of refugees looking for support and protection in Sweden is forecast to rise from the earlier estimate of 61,000 to 70-80,000 this year, ac...
The number of refugees looking for support and protection in Sweden is forecast to rise from the earlier estimate of 61,000 to 70-80,000 this year, ac...
The Swedish Migration Board has said it expects fewer asylum seekers in the years to come than previously thought, with tighter EU border controls lik...
Migration authorities in Sweden have revealed that around 12 percent of juvenile asylum seekers that have arrived in the country so far this year migh...
The Swedish Migration Board has begun talks with authorities in Afghanistan about opening a centre in the capital, Kabul, for unaccompanied children w...
Two gay men from Uganda are to remain in Sweden in order to ensure their safety, the Swedish Migration Board ruled this week. Swedish resident Jimmy S...
Sweden issued nearly 110,000 resident permits over the last year, marking the highest annual amount on record. The figure, which marks a 19 percent in...