Survey: gender and class affect Finns’ health

An annual survey has revealed that gender and class differences play a big part in the lifestyle choices of Finns. This year’s report by the National Institute for Welfare and Health (THL) found that smoking is much more common among Finns with fewer years of formal education, while men in general tend to drink more and are more overweight than women.

Of those surveyed by post last year, 44 percent of women and 60 percent of men were found to be overweight, with a BMI over 25. Men were also found to be drinking more than the previous year, with 28 percent admitting consuming alcohol at least five times a week.

Smoking was found to be more prevalent among Finns of lower social standing, while those holding higher education qualifications tended to adhere more to nutritional recommendations.

The study also found that 35 percent of Finns said they were eating more vegetables, while 32 per cent had made a conscious effort to lose weight.

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