God is great again in Denmark

religionPews may be empty and churches across the country closing because of declining membership, but many Danes still believe in a higher power, according to a recent study for the Sondagsavisen newspaper.

The YouGov survey showed that 41 per cent of respondents believe in a god, and 15 per cent wouldn’t rule out the existence of God.

University of Copenhagen sociologist and lecturer Peter Luchau said that Danes are generally not vocal about religion, but they are in fact quite religious. He explained that religion has become something that is normal and kept to oneself or within the family, but not flaunted.

The survey also showed that Danes tend to become more religious as they get older. Fifty per cent of respondents above the age of fifty believe in a god, while just 32 per cent of those between the ages of 18 and 34 hold the same belief.

Luchau noted that after a huge fall nationwide, religious and spiritual belief is experiencing somewhat of a renaissance.

He explained that in the 60s many thought religion would become extinct because science could ultimately explain everything; however, he pointed out that people are now coming to the conclusion that science does not have all the answers and are therefore returning to religion.

The survey also showed that women are slightly more religious than men, with 45 per cent and 37 per cent believing in God respectively. Forty-seven per cent of women believe in life after death, compared to only 26 per cent of men.