A seven year old murderer at large!

egill-skallagrimssonEven though dead for over 1000 years, Egill Skallagrimsson becomes alive in Reykjavik Excursions tour guide Kalli´s narration. Kalli´s real name is Karl Johannsson – he has been a professional tour guide in Iceland for a number of years. He talks affectionately about Egill, describing him as an eccentric old friend whom you have to deal with respectfully and with great care.

Egill is a rebel that strikes fear into his neighbourhood – had he been a contemporary his doctors would recommend that he took Ritalin. If that didn’t work, later in life he would be recognised as a mass murderer. However, the times are changing and Egill is multi-faceted. A seven year old Egill got furious when his playmate did better at ice hockey and the dispute lead up to Egill killing his friend. He earned high praise from his mother for this deed and she told him that he would become a great Viking. He kept on killing, even into his old age, he had a softer side though, being a poet, thus narrating his own life.

Egill ended his life as an old scrooge with cold thighs, mocked by farm maids. Kalli carries on about the hero of our saga and explains in two languages, “Jæja my friends” he starts, and the entire bus is excited, all alert with their ears pricked up. Kalli keeps on reciting – he finishes the tale of Egill and switches to other stories of fair heroes that ride around on golden mane horses, pointing out places where the events took place. Helga the fair swims with her two sons to save their lives, Bui Andridarson and Kolfinnur fight over Olof the handsome, Hen-Thorir is an unpopular rascal who deserves to be beheaded, Snorri Sturluson soaks in his pool and writes immortal texts. The storyteller keeps on doing what he does best.

The group consists of English, Norwegian, Swedish and German tourists. Most of them have heard about the Icelandic Sagas beforehand and several have even read parts of them. Everyone is accommodated for – the stories are told where they happened. The landscape flows by, small towns and farms, beatle-haired ponies that the Icelanders call horses are innumerable and a lucky passenger glimpses a fox tail in the hills as the bus rushes on. Reykjavik Excursions offer the Saga Circle tour on Saturdays during the winter months, and various more departures during the summer.

For more information on guided tours and other excursions in Iceland, visit www.re.is
