Icelandic Eurovision star Johanna Gudrun in a car crash

eu“We were on our way to a Japanese restaurant in Moscow to get some Sushi and when we were stepping out of the car out of nowhere comes a truck and drives into the back of our car,” says Maria Björk, Johanna’s spokesperson. All of the travellers escaped unharmed but were understandably shaken.

This incident however does not typify the Icelandic Eurovision delegation’s travels in Moscow so far, which has been mostly been running smoothly. Some members of the group are reported to be disappointment at the prices charged at the Cosmos Hotel for their usage of the hotel gym – prices calculate to some EUR 15 (ISK 2000). Johanna and her trainer and dance choreographer, Yesmine, use the gym every day to stay in shape and help prepare for the competition. Yesmine has said that she might actually take the group outside of the hotel to a training boot-camp to prepare the Icelandic team for the coming battle on the Eurovision stage in Moscow.

Johanna Gudrun has been making some impact in the local media, and last Wednesday she dressed up in a Russian national costume for an interview with Russian state TV. The interview took place at the Russian national museum and Johanna and co sang a part of the Icelandic Eurovision contribution this year, Is it True, in Russian.

Frettabladid reports

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