Scandinavia headed for an epic summer

Summer bloomsAccording to meteorologists, Scandinavia is likely to experience one of the best summers in several generations. Reports Aftenposten indicate that Scandinavia will be warm and dry this summer, a blessing for all those who have endured the region’s cold winter weather.

Last summer was particularly wet and cool in Norway. The country is also suffering from a rather gloomy spring so far this year.

Knut Restad, a meteorologist, predicts that the months of May, June and July will be one degree warmer than the average temperature during past seasons. According to Restad, if the temperature increases by two degrees this year, it will make it the warmest summer experienced in the last 150 years.

Norway isn’t alone in expecting good weather. Meteorologists in Great Britain, Denmark and Sweden also predict things will be warm and dry this year.

In Norway, temperatures in the summer range between 12 and 21 degrees Celsius. Denmark and Sweden are very similar.

The warm weather is likely to entice tourists to the region, who generally enjoy the long hours of sunlight available in Scandinavia over the summer. During the longest day, the sun rises at 03:00 and doesn’t set until 23:00, giving tourists visiting Southern areas plenty of daytime hours to explore the region’s famously beautiful scenery. There is no summer darkness at all in northern Scandinavia.

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