Reykjavik Mayor Jon Gnarr leads Gay Pride

Jon Gnarr, the Mayor of Reykjavik took the lead in today’s Gay Pride parade and was wearing the same costume as he had on at the opening of Gay Pride on Thursday. Mr. Gnarr, who is a known comedian and an actor in Iceland, was truly at his best during the parade.

Much has been talked about Jon Gnarr’s opening ceremony in the foreign media and among other has been covered by the BBC.

Thousands of people walked the parade and this Gay Pride is the biggest in Iceland since it started in the 1990’s.

Reykjavik is not the only city that celebrates Gay Pride today. Amsterdam is also having a good time and celebrating the day.

More articles about the Mayor can be found below

Mayor dons a dress for gay pride launch? – Gay NZ
Reykjavikb mayor dons wig and dress to open gay pride parade? – Argentina Star
Reykjavik’s mayor opens gay pride in drag? – BBC News

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