Welcome to the new IceNews

icenews-smallIceNews has had a facelift and is now ready to provide a better Nordic news service than ever before!

Not only is the site more attractive now (we think so anyway), but it also has some great new features in the works which we hope you’ll notice over the coming days and weeks.

Look out for our dedicated editorial and comment section which will contain opinions and views from a wide range of people on a wide range of subjects. As well as IceNews editors, we will also feature articles written by politicians, businesspeople, names from the news and IceNews READERS! If you have something you want to say and you can encapsulate it into an interesting and informative article, please feel free to send it over to us at news(AT)icenews.is.

On the subject of commenting, please keep our new commenting guidelines in mind when writing user comments about articles. A link to the new guidelines will appear at the top of the homepage in the next few days.

If something about the new IceNews disappoints you (like the fact that four days of reader comments appear to have disappeared), please know that we are working hard to bring all the best bits of old IceNews over to the new site and hopefully you won’t stay disappointed for long.

As always, we would like to say thank you for reading IceNews. Every time somebody chooses to click on our site, we know it is a privilege and we are truly grateful for your support.

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